Centar za prava deteta je udruženje građana osnovano 1997.
godine, čiji je osnovni cilj
ostvarivanje prava deteta u Republici Srbiji u skladu sa Konvencijom o pravima
Koja je to misija Centra za prava deteta?
-Misija je unapređenje dobrobiti deteta, njegove zaštite,
stručno iskazivanje prava deteta...
U procesu praćenja i izveštavanja o stanju prava deteta,
Centar posebnu pažnju daje neposrednom uključivanju dece u ovim procesima.
Centar za prava deteta ne reaguje ako je u pitanju samo
fizičko nasilje, reaguje i na internet nasilje.
https://cpd.org.rs/ -ovo je link na kome možeš malo više da se informišeš
Center for the Rights of the Child
Children have a center for their rights, the number of which
they can call at any time of the day, if they feel that their rights have been
The Center for the Rights of the Child is an association of citizens founded in 1997, whose main goal is to realize the rights of the child in the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
What is the mission of the Center for the Rights of the Child?
-The mission is to improve the welfare of the child, his
protection, professional expression of the rights of the child ...
In the process of monitoring and reporting on the state of
children's rights, the Center pays special attention to the direct involvement
of children in these processes.
The Center for the Rights of the Child does not react if it is only physical violence, it also
reacts to internet violence.
https://cpd.org.rs/ - this is a link where you can get a little more information
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