субота, 6. фебруар 2021.

Životna sredina

There is an English translation

 S jeseni i u zimskoj sezoni uvek je aktuelna tema zagađivanja. Godinama u nazad mnogi gradovi u zemlji i u svetu se bore sa aerozagađenjem koji sve više utiče na zdravlje i

odnosi živote. Zdrava životna sredina nije samo pitanje ekologije već i ustavno pravo. Pravo načist vazduh i zdravu životnu sredinu ne sme biti stvar politike i manje važno od ostalih prava. U septembru 2020. UNICEF je pokrenuo projekat za poboljšanje vazduha u Srbiji pod nazivom Clean Air Challenge kako bi se došlo do najboljih inovacija i rešenja za otklanjanje problema (korišćenje energije, kompostiranje, softveri, prečišćivači vazduha...)

Link za malo više informacija-  https://www.unicef.org/serbia/en/clean-air-challenge 

U nekim gradovima zagađenje je posledica povećanja broja vozila, industrije... Poslednjih godina ovaj problem je sve veći i ozbiljniji mnogi pokušavaju da ukažu na to. Uz virus korona, zagaženi vazduh je još jedan od opasnih rizika za oboljenje od respiratornih infekcija!

Kako se boriti za čist vazduh, okolinu i vodu? Pored informisanja, iščitavanja zakona, bitno je krenuti od sebe. Osvestiti sebe i svoje okruženje. U našoj zemlji puno je kotlarnica na ugalj, termoelektrana,

,,prljave industrije". Voda u nekim krajevima i pored fabrika za prečišćavanje nije bezbedna za piće ili upotrebu. Smeća je svuda naokolo. Sigurno si upoznat/a sa Potpećkim jezerom i tom ekološkom katastrofom. Ako se smog i čađ ne mogu oterati tako lako, smeće može i to je zadatak za sve nas. Ako malo razmislite nije džabe rečene da nijedno inteligentno biće neće zagaditi vodu iz koje pije. A mi? Bacamao flašu u potok misleći da neće uticati na nas... Novac se ne može jesti i piti. Blagodat prirode, hrane i okoline koju imamo moramo čuvati jer tako čuvamo svoje zdravlje.

A ti, šta si danas uradio/la da sutra bude bolje?

Promena kreće iz naših dvorišta.


From autumn and in the winter season, the topic of pollution is always current. For years, many cities in the country and in the world have been struggling with air pollution, which is increasingly affecting health and life. A healthy environment is not only a matter of ecology but also a constitutional right. The right to clean air and a healthy environment must not be a matter of policy and less important than other rights. In September 2020, UNICEF launched a project to improve the air in Serbia called Clean Air Challenge in order to come up with the best innovations and solutions to solve problems (energy use, composting, software, air purifiers ...)

Link for a little more information- https://www.unicef.org/serbia/en/clean-air-challenge

In some cities, pollution is a consequence of the increase in the number of vehicles,

industry ... In recent years, this problem has become bigger and more serious, many are trying to point it out. Along with the corona virus, polluted air is another dangerous risk for respiratory infections!

How to fight for clean air, environment and water? In addition to informing, reading the law, it is important to start from yourself. Be aware of yourself and your

surroundings. In our country, there are many coal-fired boilers, thermal power plants, "dirty industries". Water in some areas, despite treatment plants, is not safe to drink or use. Garbage is all around. You are probably familiar with Lake Potpec and this ecological disaster. If smog and soot can’t be wiped out so easily, garbage can and that’s the job of all of us. If you think about it, it is not said in vain that no intelligent being pollutes the water from which he drinks. And we? We throw garbage in the stream thinking that it will not affect us ... Money cannot be eaten and drunk. The benefits of nature, food and the environment that we have must be preserved because that is how we protect our health.
And you, what did you do today to make tomorrow better?

Change starts in our backyards.

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Životna sredina

There is an English translation  S jeseni i u zimskoj sezoni uvek je aktuelna tema zagađivanja. Godinama u nazad mnogi gradovi u zemlji i u ...