понедељак, 18. јануар 2021.

Svetski dan smeha

There is an English translation

 Svetski dan smeha obeležava se od 1998. godine, slavi se dva puta godišnje 10. januara i 02. maja.

Cilj je podstaći ljude da se što više smeju. Tako će smanjti brigu, poboljšati zdravlje, biti

manje depresivni i smanjiti stres.

Kažu da su se ljudi nekada smejali u proseku 18 minuta, dok se to danas svelo na svega 6 minuta, kao i to da je nekoliko minuta smejanja isto kao da ste vozili biciklu 15 minuta.

Džordž Gordon Bajron (poznati pesnik) je izjavio: "Koristite svaku priliku za smeh,jer je to najjeftiniji lek."

Da li si znao/la da postoji nauka o smehu?

Nauka o smehu se zove gelotologija. Takođe postoji joga smeha i klubovi smeha čiji član možeš da budeš. 

U drevnoj Indiji postojali su mudraci koji su putovali po zemlji i, umesto da propovedaju, samo su se smejali da bi druge učili koliko je smeh moćan.

Narodi koji su se smejali najviše su bili Jevreji, kod njih se na svakom ćošku zbivala neka šala.

Tvoje pravo je da se smeješ svakog dana kada god ti poželiš.

Apsolutno niko ne sme to da ti zabrani, i ako plačeš zbog nečega, zaustavi se i nasmej se u inat svima.



World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day has been celebrated since 1998, and is celebrated twice a year on January 10 and May 2.

The goal is to encourage people to laugh as much as possible, so it will reduce anxiety, improve health, be less depressed and reduce stress.

They say that people used to laugh for an average of 18 minutes, while today it has been reduced to only 6 minutes, and that a few minutes of laughter is the same as riding a bike for 15 minutes.

George Gordon Byron (famous poet) stated: "Use every opportunity to laugh, because it is the cheapest medicine."

Did you know that there is a science of laughter?

The science of laughter is called gelotology. There are yoga laughter and laughter clubs of which you can be a member.

In ancient India, there were sages who traveled the earth and instead of preaching, they just laughed to teach others how powerful laughter is.

The people who laughed the most were Jews, they had a joke on every corner.

It is your right to laugh every day whenever you want.

Absolutely no one forbids you to do that, and if you are crying over something, stop and smile in spite of everyone.



субота, 9. јануар 2021.


There is an English translation

Svaka religija ima svoje običaje i obrede, a  od porodice zavisi koliko će se ti običaji poštovati.

Vrlo je važno da imaš slobodu veroispovesti tj. da možeš slobodno da izražavaš svoju veru, da ideš u svoje bogomolje, slaviš praznike. Naravno, bitno je da poštujete i osobe drugih veroispovesti i nipošto da ih na bilo koji način diskriminišete zbog toga.

Koja je definicija religije?

Definicija je raznolikost verskih uverenja i organizacija, verovanje u jedno vrhovno biće koje zapoveda i obećava spasenje u zagrobnom životu. Međutim, to nije slučaj kod mnogih svetskih religija.

Religija nije uvek jedan Bog, čak u dosta njih postoji više božanstava. Religija je ritual ili ceremonja u kome učestvuje zajednica vernika. Postoji i sujeverje u modernom vremenu.

Jedna od religija koje su meni zanimljive su totemizam i animizam. Reč totem vodi poreklo od severnoameričkih indijskih plemena. Svaka srodnička grupa ili klan ima svoj totem. Animizam je verovanje u duhove i dobre i zle, smatra se da nastanjuju isti svet kao i ljudi..

Takođe neke od poznatijih vera su: judaizam, hrišćanstvo, islam, konfučijanizam, budizam...

Hrišćanstvo je religija čiji sam pripadnik i postoji mnogo zanimljivih priča o istoriji hrišćanstva. Preuzeto je dosta učenja od judaizma. Postoji to iščekivanje dolaska Mesije među Judejima. Mesija prevedeno sa grčkog znači Hristos. U Rimskom carstvu  su se hrišćani progonili godinama. Isus se smatrao nekom vrstom pretnje vlasti jer je sve više

ljudi verovalo njemu nego vlasti. Tek kasnije je car Konstantin prihvatio hrišćanstvo kao zvaničnu religiju Rimskog carstva. Smatra se da je to religija spasenja, ideje greha i izbavljenja od greha pomoću Božje milosti. Hrišćanstvo se zasniva na Bibliji koja ima nekoliko delova. Takođe postoji dosta običaja a i sujeverje kod onih malo starijih generacija.

Kod pravoslavnih, ortodoksnih hrišćana, živopisno je proslavlja je Hristovog rođenja, Božića kao i svih ostalih praznika koji su vezani za Sina božjeg.

Pisaću vam o nekim običajima na Božić i Badnji dan u mojoj kući. Na Badnji dan je običaj da se ujutru rano donese badnjak (drvo hrasta) u kuću, donose ga najstariji i najmlađi muškarac. Uveče se badnjak unese u kuću a za njim i slama. Na mestu sa kog se badnjak uzeo, stavlja se žito. Slama služi za sakrivanje slatkiša ili manjih poklona koje deca traže kasnije. Običaj za Božić je da se donesu badnjaci ispred crkve i zapale. Mesi se česnica (beskvasni hleb) rano ujutru i u nju se stavljaja novčić, pasulj, kukuruz, parče badnjaka... svaki predmet ima svoj simbol - zdravlje, rodna godina, bogatstvo, blagostanje..



Each religion has its own customs, it depends on the family how much these customs will be respected.

It is very important that you have freedom of religion, that is. to be able to freely express your faith, to go to your places of worship, to celebrate holidays. Of course, it is important that you respect people of other religions and never discriminate against them in any way because of that.

What is the definition of religion?

The definition is the diversity of religious beliefs and organizations, the belief in one supreme being who commands and promises salvation in the afterlife, but this is not the case with many world religions.

Religion is not always one God, even in many of them there are several deities. Religion is a ritual or ceremony in which the community of believers participates, and there is also superstition in modern times.

One of the religions that is interesting to me is totemism and animism. The word totem originates from North American Indian tribes. Each kinship group or clan has its own totem. Animism is the belief in spirits, both good and evil, it is believed that they inhabit the same world as humans ...

Also, some of the more famous religions are: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, Buddhism ...

Christianity is a religion of which I belong and there are many interesting stories about the history of Christianity. A lot of teachings have been taken from Judaism. There is this anticipation of the coming of the Messiah among the Jews. Messiah translated from Greek means Christ. In the Roman Empire, Christians were persecuted for years. Jesus was considered a kind of threat to the authorities because there were more and more people trusted him than the authorities. Only later did Emperor Constantine accept Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. It is considered to be the religion of salvation, the idea of ​​sin and deliverance from sin by the grace of God. Christianity is based on the Bible, which has several parts. There are also a lot of customs and superstitions among the slightly older generations.

I will write to you about some customs on Christmas and Christmas Day in my house. On Christmas Day, it is customary to bring a Christmas tree (oak tree) into the house early in the morning, brought by the oldest and youngest man. In the evening, Christmas Eve is brought into the house, followed by straw. At the place where the Christmas tree was taken, grain is placed. Straw is used to hide sweets or small gifts that children look for later. It is customary for Christmas to bring Christmas trees in front of the church and light them. Garlic (unleavened bread) is kneaded early in the morning and a coin, beans, corn, a piece of Christmas tree are put in it ... each item has its own symbol - health, birth year, wealth, prosperity ..


недеља, 3. јануар 2021.

Humanitarne organizacije

There is an English translation

 Humanitarna pomoć je materijalna pomoć i pruža se obično kao posledica humanitarnih kriza.

Koji su ciljevi humanitarne pomoći?

Ciljevi su: 

-spas ljudskih života

-pružanje pomoći za osnovne potrebe(hrana,voda) 

-pružanje osnovnih higijenskih potrepština kao i medicinske pomoći

Ujedinjeni narodi pokušavaju da smanje humanitarne katastrofe sa značajnim organizacijama kao što su: UNHCR, UNICEF, UNCDF, ECHO (organizacija Evropske Unije), USAID (značajna američka organizacija koja pruža pomoć inostransvu od 1961. godine).

Jedna od najpoznatijih organizacija po meni je Crveni krst. To je međunarodna organizacija sa sedištem u Ženevi. Utemeljio ga je Henri Dunant.

Imaš pravo na osnovne potrepštine kao što su hrana ili voda, higijenski uslovi, itd. ukoliko ti to nije dostupno treba da imaš svoje ja i da se žališ jer imaš pravo na bilo kakvu brigu i pomoć bar do svoje 18.godine.


Humanitarian organizations

Humanitarian aid is material aid and is usually provided as a result of humanitarian crises.

What are the goals of humanitarian aid?

The goals are:

-saving human lives

-providing assistance for basic needs (food, water)

-providing basic hygiene supplies as well as medical assistance

The United Nations is trying to reduce humanitarian catastrophes with important organizations such as: UNHCR, UNICEF, UNCDF, ECHO (European Union organization), USAID (a significant American organization that has been providing assistance abroad since 1961).

One of the most famous organizations in my opinion is the Red Cross. It is an international organization based in Geneva. It was founded by Henry Dunant.

You have the right to basic necessities such as food or water, hygiene conditions, etc. If it is not available to you, you should have your own self and complain because you have the right to any care and help at least until you are 18 years old.


Životna sredina

There is an English translation  S jeseni i u zimskoj sezoni uvek je aktuelna tema zagađivanja. Godinama u nazad mnogi gradovi u zemlji i u ...