понедељак, 18. јануар 2021.

Svetski dan smeha

There is an English translation

 Svetski dan smeha obeležava se od 1998. godine, slavi se dva puta godišnje 10. januara i 02. maja.

Cilj je podstaći ljude da se što više smeju. Tako će smanjti brigu, poboljšati zdravlje, biti

manje depresivni i smanjiti stres.

Kažu da su se ljudi nekada smejali u proseku 18 minuta, dok se to danas svelo na svega 6 minuta, kao i to da je nekoliko minuta smejanja isto kao da ste vozili biciklu 15 minuta.

Džordž Gordon Bajron (poznati pesnik) je izjavio: "Koristite svaku priliku za smeh,jer je to najjeftiniji lek."

Da li si znao/la da postoji nauka o smehu?

Nauka o smehu se zove gelotologija. Takođe postoji joga smeha i klubovi smeha čiji član možeš da budeš. 

U drevnoj Indiji postojali su mudraci koji su putovali po zemlji i, umesto da propovedaju, samo su se smejali da bi druge učili koliko je smeh moćan.

Narodi koji su se smejali najviše su bili Jevreji, kod njih se na svakom ćošku zbivala neka šala.

Tvoje pravo je da se smeješ svakog dana kada god ti poželiš.

Apsolutno niko ne sme to da ti zabrani, i ako plačeš zbog nečega, zaustavi se i nasmej se u inat svima.



World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day has been celebrated since 1998, and is celebrated twice a year on January 10 and May 2.

The goal is to encourage people to laugh as much as possible, so it will reduce anxiety, improve health, be less depressed and reduce stress.

They say that people used to laugh for an average of 18 minutes, while today it has been reduced to only 6 minutes, and that a few minutes of laughter is the same as riding a bike for 15 minutes.

George Gordon Byron (famous poet) stated: "Use every opportunity to laugh, because it is the cheapest medicine."

Did you know that there is a science of laughter?

The science of laughter is called gelotology. There are yoga laughter and laughter clubs of which you can be a member.

In ancient India, there were sages who traveled the earth and instead of preaching, they just laughed to teach others how powerful laughter is.

The people who laughed the most were Jews, they had a joke on every corner.

It is your right to laugh every day whenever you want.

Absolutely no one forbids you to do that, and if you are crying over something, stop and smile in spite of everyone.



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Životna sredina

There is an English translation  S jeseni i u zimskoj sezoni uvek je aktuelna tema zagađivanja. Godinama u nazad mnogi gradovi u zemlji i u ...