уторак, 29. децембар 2020.

Deca iz ugroženih grupa

 There is an English translation

Razmišljala sam o stopi gladi koja se povećava iz dana u dan. Sve više dece i porodica gladuju zbog nedostatka sredstava ili novca.

U decu iz ugroženih grupa spadaju:

-deca iz domova, siromašne porodice, deca u enklavama na kosovu, deca u Africi...

-Enklava je etnička grupa odvojena od svoje matice.

Srpske porodice uglavnom žive u strahu na Kosovu i one čine te manje enklave tj. etničke grupe.

Deca poreklom iz Srbije imaju manje privilegije od druge dece i znatno su  ugroženija njihova prava.

Sva deca treba da se bore za svoja prava ma gde živeli, jer mi ne biramo u kojoj ćemo se zemlji sveta roditi i kako ćemo živeti.

Da li si znao/la da postoji bolest opasnija od virusa Covid-19?

Ta bolest se zove glad. Glad ima svoj lek a to je hrana, samo što to javnost ne prikazuje toliko.

Deca u Africi svakim danom umiru sve više baš zbog gladi i bolesti koja ih snalazi, nažalost umire i veliki broj novorođenčadi.

Ako si u prilici da doniraš nešto, uradi to jer tvoje malo nekome znači mnogo.

Takođe mnoge poznate ličnosti sponzorišu fondove koji su namenjeni deci.


Children from vulnerable groups

I was thinking about the rate of hunger that is increasing day by day. More and more children and families are starving due to lack of funds or money.

Children from vulnerable groups include:

-children from homes, poor families, children in enclaves in Kosovo, children in Africa ...

-The enclave is an ethnic group separated from its motherland.

Serb families mostly live in fear in Kosovo and they form those smaller enclaves, that is. ethnic groups.

Children from Serbia have fewer privileges than other children and their rights are much more endangered.

All children should fight for their rights wherever they live, because we do not choose in which country of the world we will be born and how we will live.

Did you know that there is a disease more dangerous than the Covid-19 virus?

This disease is called hunger. Hunger has its cure and that is food, only the public does not show that much.

Children in Africa are dying more and more every day because of hunger and the disease that afflicts them, and unfortunately a large number of newborns are dying.

If you have the opportunity to donate something, do it because your little means a lot to someone.

Also, many celebrities sponsor funds intended for children.


2 коментара:

Životna sredina

There is an English translation  S jeseni i u zimskoj sezoni uvek je aktuelna tema zagađivanja. Godinama u nazad mnogi gradovi u zemlji i u ...