There is an English translation
Deklaracija o pravima deteta doneta je 1959. godine na Opštoj skupštini UN.
To je prvi međunarodni dokument o pravima deteta. Sadrži 54 članka i potpisalo ju je 187 zemalja sveta
do 1996. godine.UN su se saglasile da svakom pojedincu pripadaju sva prava i slobode sadržine u njima, bez obzira na rasu, boju kože, pol, veroispovest, jezik, imovinsko stanje, rođenje ili drugi status.
Takođe su proklamovale da deci u detinjstvu treba posebna briga i pomoć. - na ovom linku možeš pronaći sve članove koje ti mogu pomoći u određenoj situaciji.
Declaration of the Rights of the Child
The Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1959 at the UN General Assembly.
It is the first international document on the rights of the child. It contains 54 articles and
has been signed by 187 countries around the world until 1996.
The UN has agreed that every individual has all the rights and freedoms contained in them, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, language, property status, birth or other status.
They also proclaimed that children in childhood need special care and help. on this link you can find all the members who can help you in a particular situation.
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