There is an English translation
Procenjuje se da dete provede i do 7h na internetu u slobodno vreme i da ti 7h ne koristi uvek za neka istraživanja. U proseku u učenju na internetu deca provode od 3h do 4h dnevno.
Takođe na internetu postoji termin vršnjačko nasilje.
Svaki treći učenik je doživeo vršnjačko nasilje. Uglavnom su to deca uzrasta 13-14 godina.
U ovakvim situacijama čak se četvrtina učenika nije nikome obratila za problem.
Jako je važno da se nekome obratiš za pomoć na vreme, jer kasnije kada se uvučeš u veći problem sa tom osobom možda se nikada ne izvučeš.
U Srbiji postoji dosta organizacija za internet nasilje, ili možeš da se obratiš roditeljima a oni će znati šta dalje da urade.
Tvoje pravo kao korisnika na internetu je da imaš privatnost. Nikada nikome nemoj da daješ lične podatke kao što je mesto gde živiš ili koliko godina imaš, to se odnosi i na lozinku od profila.
Jednostavno ne odgovaraj ljudima koje ne poznaješ. - za više informacija.
Children's rights on the Internet
It is estimated that a child spends up to 7 hours on the
Internet in his free time and does not always use these 7 hours for some
research. On average, children spend 3 to 4 hours a day learning online.
There is also the term peer violence on the Internet.
Every third student has experienced peer violence. They are
mostly children aged 13-14.
In such situations, even a quarter of the students did not
turn to anyone for the problem.
It is very important that you turn to someone for help on
time, because later when you get into a bigger problem with that person, you
may never get out.
There are a lot of organizations for internet violence in Serbia, or you can turn to your parents and they will know what to do next.
Your right as an online user is to have privacy. Never give
anyone personal information such as where you live or how old you are, this
also applies to the profile password.
Just don’t respond to people you don’t know. -for more information.
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