уторак, 22. децембар 2020.

Svetski dan deteta

There is an English translation

Deca imaju dan koji je posvećen samo njima a to je Svetski  dan deteta.              

Održava se 20. novembra od 1989. godine pa sve do danas.

Sva deca na svetu imaju ista prava, a ona su ispisana u Konvenciji Ujedinjenih nacija o pravima deteta.

Svetski dan deteta je godišnji međunarodni događaj, Ovaj dan promoviše međusobnu interakciju i razumevanje među decom i dobrobit dece u svetu.       

Obeležava se i da bi se skrenula pažnja javnosti na obaveze društva prema deci, kao i na aktuelne probleme sa kojima se deca suočavaju.

Dečija prava su utvrđena Konvencijom o pravima deteta, usvojenom od strane Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija.

Da li ste znali da je obeležavanje dana deteta širom sveta doprinelo ljudskoj solidarnosti 

i saradnji među nacijama?

Narušavanje tvog prava je strogo kažnjivo, ako si u situaciji da se nešto dešava slobodno i obavezno to prijavi organizaciji za prava deteta u tvom gradu.

-Pozdrav do sledećeg puta.✋

Children have a day dedicated only to them, and that is International Children's Day.

It has been held on November 20, from 1989 until today.

All children in the world have the same rights, and they are written in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

International Children's Day is an annual international event. This day promotes mutual interaction and understanding among children and the well-being of children in the world.

It is also marked in order to draw the public's attention to the society's obligations towards children, as well as to the current problems that children face.

Children's rights are established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

Did you know that it is a child's day contributed to human solidarity around the world and cooperation between nations?

Violation of your rights is strictly punishable if you are in a situation where something is happening, you are free and obliged to report it to the organization for the rights of the child in your city.

-Greetings until next time.✋

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Životna sredina

There is an English translation  S jeseni i u zimskoj sezoni uvek je aktuelna tema zagađivanja. Godinama u nazad mnogi gradovi u zemlji i u ...