Deca poseduju mnoga prava.
A da li smo upoznati sa tim pravima?
Juče prelistavam stranice po internetu, u prevodu
dosadjujem se.I slučajno naletim na stranicu o pravima deteta.
Pomislila sam što da ne,ajde da pogledam.
Otvorih je i krenuh da čitam.Nisam ni bila svesna da mi, deca,
ovako mladi posedujemo 54 člana u kojima su svrstana naša prava, neka su bila uobičajena a neka stvarno zanimljiva.
Da li ste, iako to zvuči čudno, znali da posedujete pravo da živite?
Iskreno ja nisam znala da to spada u pravo, smatrala sam da je to nešto skroz normalno i svakidašnje.
Nakon rođenja imamo pravo na ime, pravo na sticanje državljanstva i koliko je to moguće, pravo da znamo ko su nam roditelji i na njihovo staranje.
Poseduješ pravo da tvoju ličnost poštuju svi zaposleni u školi i svi drugari sa kojima se družiš.
Takođe poseduješ pravo da pitaš bilo koga, sve što te zanima.
-Hey, did
you know:
-1959, within the UN, the Declaration of the
Rights of the Child was adopted, which contains 10 basic principles in which
children stand out as a particularly vulnerable group.
Children have many rights.
And are we
aware of those rights?
Yesterday I browsed the pages on the Internet,
in translation I'm bored. And I come across a
page about children's rights.
I thought
why not to do, let's take a look.
I opened
it and started reading. I was not even aware that we, children, so young, have
54 members in which our rights are classified, some were common and some really
it sounds strange, did you know that you have the right to live?
I didn't know it was right, I thought it was something completely normal and
birth, we have the right to a name, the right to acquire citizenship and, as
far as possible, the right to know who our parents are and their care.
You have
the right to have your personality respected by all school employees and all
the friends you hang out with.
You also
have the right to ask at any time, anything that interests you.
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