уторак, 29. децембар 2020.

Deca iz ugroženih grupa

 There is an English translation

Razmišljala sam o stopi gladi koja se povećava iz dana u dan. Sve više dece i porodica gladuju zbog nedostatka sredstava ili novca.

U decu iz ugroženih grupa spadaju:

-deca iz domova, siromašne porodice, deca u enklavama na kosovu, deca u Africi...

-Enklava je etnička grupa odvojena od svoje matice.

Srpske porodice uglavnom žive u strahu na Kosovu i one čine te manje enklave tj. etničke grupe.

Deca poreklom iz Srbije imaju manje privilegije od druge dece i znatno su  ugroženija njihova prava.

Sva deca treba da se bore za svoja prava ma gde živeli, jer mi ne biramo u kojoj ćemo se zemlji sveta roditi i kako ćemo živeti.

Da li si znao/la da postoji bolest opasnija od virusa Covid-19?

Ta bolest se zove glad. Glad ima svoj lek a to je hrana, samo što to javnost ne prikazuje toliko.

Deca u Africi svakim danom umiru sve više baš zbog gladi i bolesti koja ih snalazi, nažalost umire i veliki broj novorođenčadi.

Ako si u prilici da doniraš nešto, uradi to jer tvoje malo nekome znači mnogo.

Takođe mnoge poznate ličnosti sponzorišu fondove koji su namenjeni deci.


Children from vulnerable groups

I was thinking about the rate of hunger that is increasing day by day. More and more children and families are starving due to lack of funds or money.

Children from vulnerable groups include:

-children from homes, poor families, children in enclaves in Kosovo, children in Africa ...

-The enclave is an ethnic group separated from its motherland.

Serb families mostly live in fear in Kosovo and they form those smaller enclaves, that is. ethnic groups.

Children from Serbia have fewer privileges than other children and their rights are much more endangered.

All children should fight for their rights wherever they live, because we do not choose in which country of the world we will be born and how we will live.

Did you know that there is a disease more dangerous than the Covid-19 virus?

This disease is called hunger. Hunger has its cure and that is food, only the public does not show that much.

Children in Africa are dying more and more every day because of hunger and the disease that afflicts them, and unfortunately a large number of newborns are dying.

If you have the opportunity to donate something, do it because your little means a lot to someone.

Also, many celebrities sponsor funds intended for children.


понедељак, 28. децембар 2020.

Deklaracija o pravima deteta

There is an English translation

 Deklaracija o pravima deteta doneta je 1959. godine na Opštoj skupštini UN.

To je prvi međunarodni dokument o pravima deteta. Sadrži 54 članka i potpisalo ju je 187 zemalja sveta

do 1996. godine.

UN su se saglasile da svakom pojedincu pripadaju sva prava i slobode sadržine u njima, bez obzira na rasu, boju kože, pol, veroispovest, jezik, imovinsko stanje, rođenje ili drugi status.

Takođe su proklamovale da deci u detinjstvu treba posebna briga i pomoć.

https://www.unicef.org/serbia/media/3186/file/Konvencija%20o%20pravima%20deteta.pdf - na ovom linku možeš pronaći sve članove koje ti mogu pomoći u određenoj situaciji.


Declaration of the Rights of the Child

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1959 at the UN General Assembly.

It is the first international document on the rights of the child. It contains 54 articles and

has been signed by 187 countries around the world until 1996.

The UN has agreed that every individual has all the rights and freedoms contained in them, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, language, property status, birth or other status.

They also proclaimed that children in childhood need special care and help.

 https://www.unicef.org/serbia/media/3186/file/Konvencija%20o%20pravima%20deteta.pdf- on this link you can find all the members who can help you in a particular situation.


недеља, 27. децембар 2020.

Prava deteta na internetu

There is an English translation

Procenjuje se da dete provede i do 7h na internetu u slobodno vreme i  da ti 7h ne koristi uvek za neka istraživanja. U proseku u učenju na internetu deca provode od 3h do 4h dnevno.

Takođe na internetu postoji termin vršnjačko nasilje.

Svaki treći učenik je doživeo vršnjačko nasilje. Uglavnom su to deca uzrasta 13-14 godina.

U ovakvim situacijama čak se četvrtina učenika nije nikome obratila za problem. 

Jako je važno da se nekome obratiš za pomoć na vreme, jer kasnije kada se uvučeš u veći problem sa tom osobom možda se nikada ne izvučeš.

U Srbiji postoji dosta organizacija za internet nasilje, ili možeš da se obratiš roditeljima a oni će znati šta dalje da urade.

Tvoje pravo kao korisnika na internetu je da imaš privatnost. Nikada nikome nemoj da daješ lične podatke kao što je mesto gde živiš ili koliko godina imaš, to se odnosi i na lozinku od profila.

Jednostavno ne odgovaraj ljudima koje ne poznaješ.

https://www.unicef.org/serbia/teme/prava-deteta?items_per_page=50 - za više informacija.


 Children's rights on the Internet

It is estimated that a child spends up to 7 hours on the Internet in his free time and does not always use these 7 hours for some research. On average, children spend 3 to 4 hours a day learning online.

There is also the term peer violence on the Internet.

Every third student has experienced peer violence. They are mostly children aged 13-14.

In such situations, even a quarter of the students did not turn to anyone for the problem.

It is very important that you turn to someone for help on time, because later when you get into a bigger problem with that person, you may never get out.

There are a lot of organizations for internet violence in Serbia, or you can turn to your parents and they will know what to do next.

Your right as an online user is to have privacy. Never give anyone personal information such as where you live or how old you are, this also applies to the profile password.

Just don’t respond to people you don’t know.

https://www.unicef.org/serbia/teme/prava-deteta?items_per_page=50 -for more information.


субота, 26. децембар 2020.

Dan posvećen deci žrtvama nasilja

 There is an English translation

Dan posvećen deci žrtvama nasilja obeležava se 4.juna od 1983. godine pa sve do danas.

Prema izveštajima UNICEF-a u Srbiji, nasilje u zemlji ima mnogo oblika i javlja se u različitim kontekstima, a to su:

  • škole
  • digitalni prostor
  • zajednice
  • ustanove u koje su deca smeštena pod zaštitu
Nažalost retko koja porodica danas prijavi nasilje, mislim da je to uglavnom strah od toga što kasnije osoba koja je uznemirava ne učini nešto što bi je moglo koštati života.

Takođe ima dece na ulicama i  dece na kojima je vršena diskriminacija u školama.

Iz ovih razloga važno je svakodnevno brinuti o deci i koristiti ovaj dan kao javni podsetnik na to.

Vaše pravo kao dete je da se obrazujete, imate porodicu i dom, nekoga ko će brinuti o vama.

Nemoj ćutati ukoliko su ti prava narušena, kontaktiraj bilo koju ustanovu koja ti može pomoći.

Zauzmi stav i reci svoje mišljenje, možda tako podstakneš drugu decu koja je u sličnoj situaciji kao i ti.


A day dedicated to child victims of violence

The day dedicated to child victims of violence is celebrated on June 4, from 1983 until today.

According to UNICEF reports in Serbia, violence in the country takes many forms and occurs in different contexts, namely:

  • schools
  • digital space
  • communities
  • institutions in which children are placed under protection

Unfortunately, it is rare for a family to report violence today, I think it is mostly a fear that later the person who is harassing them will not do something that could cost them their life.

There are also children on the streets and children who have been discriminated against in schools.

For these reasons, it is important to take care of children every day and use this day as a public reminder of that.

Your right as a child is to be educated, to have a family and a home, someone to take care of you.

Do not keep silent if your rights have been violated, contact any institution that can help you.

Take a stand and say your opinion, maybe that's how you encourage other children who are in a similar situation as you.

https://naissus.info/danas-se-obelezava-medjunarodni-dan-dece-zrtava-nasilja/- you can get more information here.


петак, 25. децембар 2020.

Međunarodni dan volontera

There is an English translation

Međunarodni dan volontera, obeležava se 5. decembra kada se slavi i promoviše volontiranje. Ovaj datum, proglasila je Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija,  1985. godine, kao podsećanje na dan kada je 1970. godine stvoren Program UN za volontere. 

Volontiranje je angažovanje pojedinaca i gupa koje dobrovoljno pristaju da pomognu određenoj populaciji uz adekvatnu pripremu.

Tvoje pravo i slobodna volja jeste da volontiraš, to se kasnije može uzeti u obzir možda na

tvom budućem poslu ili daljem školovanju.

Volontiranje može da pomogne i kod usamljenosti i društvene izolacije. Možete da upoznate nekog novog prijatelja ili čak neku stariju osobu koja može da vas posavetuje o nečemu.

Neke od ustanova u kojima možeš volontirati su: biblioteka, Crveni krst, itd...

https://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/Svetski_dan_volontera - link gde možeš pogledati malo više


International Volunteer Day

International Volunteer Day is celebrated on December 5, when volunteering is celebrated and promoted. This date was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985, as a reminder of the day when the UN Volunteer Program was created in 1970.

Volunteering is the engagement of individuals and groups who voluntarily agree to help a certain population with adequate preparation.

Your right and free will is to volunteer, this can be taken into

account later, perhaps in your future job or further education.

Volunteering can also help with loneliness and social isolation. You can meet a new friend or even an older person who can advise you on something.

Some of the institutions where you can volunteer are: library, Red Cross, etc ...

https://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/Svetski_dan_volontera - link where you can look a little more


четвртак, 24. децембар 2020.

Centar za prava deteta

There is an English translation

 Deca imaju centar za svoja prava čiji broj mogu da nazovu u bilo koje doba dana, ukoliko osete da su njihova prava ugrožena.

Centar za prava deteta je udruženje građana osnovano 1997. godine, čiji je  osnovni cilj ostvarivanje prava deteta u Republici Srbiji u skladu sa Konvencijom o pravima deteta.

Koja je to misija Centra za prava deteta?

-Misija je unapređenje dobrobiti deteta, njegove zaštite, stručno iskazivanje prava deteta...

U procesu praćenja i izveštavanja o stanju prava deteta, Centar posebnu pažnju daje neposrednom uključivanju dece u ovim procesima.

Centar za prava deteta ne reaguje ako je u pitanju samo fizičko nasilje, reaguje i na internet nasilje.

https://cpd.org.rs/ -ovo je link na kome možeš malo više da se informišeš


Center for the Rights of the Child

Children have a center for their rights, the number of which they can call at any time of the day, if they feel that their rights have been violated.

The Center for the Rights of the Child is an association of citizens founded in 1997, whose main goal is to realize the rights of the child in the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

What is the mission of the Center for the Rights of the Child?

-The mission is to improve the welfare of the child, his protection, professional expression of the rights of the child ...

In the process of monitoring and reporting on the state of children's rights, the Center pays special attention to the direct involvement of children in these processes.

The Center for the Rights of the Child does not react if it is only physical violence, it also

reacts to internet violence.

https://cpd.org.rs/this is a link where you can get a little more information


среда, 23. децембар 2020.

Svetski dan prevencije zlostavljanja dece

There is an English translation

Svake godine, svuda u svetu obeležava se 19.novembar kao Svetski dan prevencije zlostavljanja dece, sa ciljem podizanja nivoa svesti i pokušaju da se smanji nasilje u svetu, jer svakog dana je sve češće.

Samo zlostavljanje na čoveka može uticati teško, može ostaviti trajne posledice.Svetska zdrastvena organizacija smatra da zlostavljanje dece obuhvata sve oblike fizičkog i emocionalnog zlostavljanja,zanemarivanje ili omalovažavanje. 

Na različite načine se dete može zlostavljati:



Svake godine je sve veći porast broja nasilja nad decom. Prema izabranoj statistici Ujedinjenih nacija između 133 i 257 miliona dece godišnje svedoci su nasilja u porodici.

-Da li si znao/la da je samo 9,5% nasilja prijavljeno?

Ako se nađeš u bilo kakvom vidu nasilja ili si svedok nasilja, tvoje pravo je da to prijaviš policiji, ili ukoliko ti telefon nije blizu prijavi to najbližem prijatelju.


World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse

Every year, all over the world, November 19 is marked as the World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse, with the goal of raising awareness and trying to reduce violence in the world, because it is becoming more frequent every day.

Abuse alone can have a severe impact on a person, and can have lasting consequences. The World Health Organization believes that child abuse includes all forms of physical and emotional abuse, neglect or disparagement.

A child can be abused in different ways:

-PHYSICAL-hitting, plucking, shooting ...

-PSYCHICAL- insult, separation, humiliation…

Every year, the number of violence against children increases. According to selected United Nations statistics, between 133 and 257 million children a year witness domestic violence.          

-Did you know that only 9.5% of violence was reported?

If you find yourself in any form of violence or you are a witness to violence, it is your right to report it to the police, or if your phone is not close, report it to your closest friend.           


уторак, 22. децембар 2020.

Svetski dan deteta

There is an English translation

Deca imaju dan koji je posvećen samo njima a to je Svetski  dan deteta.              

Održava se 20. novembra od 1989. godine pa sve do danas.

Sva deca na svetu imaju ista prava, a ona su ispisana u Konvenciji Ujedinjenih nacija o pravima deteta.

Svetski dan deteta je godišnji međunarodni događaj, Ovaj dan promoviše međusobnu interakciju i razumevanje među decom i dobrobit dece u svetu.       

Obeležava se i da bi se skrenula pažnja javnosti na obaveze društva prema deci, kao i na aktuelne probleme sa kojima se deca suočavaju.

Dečija prava su utvrđena Konvencijom o pravima deteta, usvojenom od strane Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija.

Da li ste znali da je obeležavanje dana deteta širom sveta doprinelo ljudskoj solidarnosti 

i saradnji među nacijama?

Narušavanje tvog prava je strogo kažnjivo, ako si u situaciji da se nešto dešava slobodno i obavezno to prijavi organizaciji za prava deteta u tvom gradu.

-Pozdrav do sledećeg puta.✋

Children have a day dedicated only to them, and that is International Children's Day.

It has been held on November 20, from 1989 until today.

All children in the world have the same rights, and they are written in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

International Children's Day is an annual international event. This day promotes mutual interaction and understanding among children and the well-being of children in the world.

It is also marked in order to draw the public's attention to the society's obligations towards children, as well as to the current problems that children face.

Children's rights are established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

Did you know that it is a child's day contributed to human solidarity around the world and cooperation between nations?

Violation of your rights is strictly punishable if you are in a situation where something is happening, you are free and obliged to report it to the organization for the rights of the child in your city.

-Greetings until next time.✋

понедељак, 21. децембар 2020.

There is an English translation

-Hej da li si znao/la:

 -1959.godine  u okviru UN usvojena je Deklaracija o pravima deteta koja sadrži 10 osnovnih principa u kojima se deca izdvajaju kao posebno osetljiva grupa.

Deca poseduju mnoga prava.                                           

A da li smo upoznati sa tim pravima?

Juče prelistavam stranice po internetu, u prevodu 

dosadjujem se.I slučajno naletim na stranicu o pravima deteta.

Pomislila sam što da ne,ajde da pogledam.

Otvorih je i krenuh da čitam.Nisam ni bila svesna da mi, deca, 

ovako mladi posedujemo 54 člana u kojima su svrstana naša prava, neka su bila uobičajena a neka stvarno zanimljiva.

Da li ste, iako to zvuči čudno, znali da posedujete pravo da živite?

Iskreno ja nisam znala da to spada u pravo, smatrala sam da je to nešto skroz normalno i svakidašnje.

Nakon rođenja imamo pravo na ime, pravo na sticanje državljanstva i  koliko je to moguće, pravo da znamo ko su nam roditelji i na njihovo staranje.

Poseduješ pravo da tvoju ličnost poštuju svi zaposleni u školi i svi drugari sa kojima se družiš.

Takođe poseduješ pravo da pitaš bilo koga, sve što te zanima.


-Hey, did you know:

 -1959, within the UN, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted, which contains 10 basic principles in which children stand out as a particularly vulnerable group.

Children have many rights.

And are we aware of those rights?

Yesterday I browsed the pages on the Internet,

 in translation I'm bored. And I come across a 

page about children's rights.

I thought why not to do, let's take a look.

I opened it and started reading. I was not even aware that we, children, so young, have 54 members in which our rights are classified, some were common and some really interesting.

Although it sounds strange, did you know that you have the right to live?

Honestly, I didn't know it was right, I thought it was something completely normal and everyday.

After birth, we have the right to a name, the right to acquire citizenship and, as far as possible, the right to know who our parents are and their care.

You have the right to have your personality respected by all school employees and all the friends you hang out with.

You also have the right to ask at any time, anything that interests you.


недеља, 20. децембар 2020.

 There is an English translation


zovem se Vanja. Intresuju me tvoja prava  i zato ću ti pokazati koliko su ona ustvari zanimljiva a i korisna.

Da li si znao/la da poseduješ mnoštvo prava od kojih su ti prikazana samo neka?

Da li je to zato što se drugi plaše da znaš sve ili je to tvoja nezaintresovanost?

Treba da budeš svestan/na da ako si upoznat sa svojim pravima, imaćeš veće mogućnosti.

-Ponosan/na sam na sebe, svestan/na sam svojih prava✋


my name is Vanja. I am interested in your rights and that is why I will show you how interesting and useful they really are.

Did you know that you have many rights, of which only some have been shown to you?

Is it because others are afraid to know everything or is it because of your lack of interest?

You should be aware that if you are aware of your rights, you will have greater opportunities.

-"Proud of myself, aware of my rights."

Životna sredina

There is an English translation  S jeseni i u zimskoj sezoni uvek je aktuelna tema zagađivanja. Godinama u nazad mnogi gradovi u zemlji i u ...